PSG prepares a big announcement, Daniel Riolo will choke

PSG prepares a big announcement, Daniel Riolo will choke
PSG prepares a big announcement, Daniel Riolo will choke

PSG is conquered by Luis Enrique. This is not the case for everyone, and Daniel Riolo has been one of his biggest detractors from the start, but the Parisian club has decided to trust him. On the long term.

Champion of France, finalist of the Coupe de France with the possibility of still winning it, and semi-finalist of the Champions League, PSG has not had a bad season in terms of statistics if we refer to the accounting balance sheet. But in terms of human management, efficiency in major events and the ability to raise one’s level when necessary, everything did not work as Luis Enrique had announced. The Spanish coach had promised an increase in power in the spring, and this was not obvious as the match against FC Barcelona had been disappointing in the first leg and seemed to be off to a bad start in the return before the Catalans were reduced to 10. And against Dortmund, it’s still 180 minutes without a goal scored against a defense that is far from imperial in Germany.

Result, in recent days, even if he did not wait for the disappointment of elimination against Borussia for this, Daniel Riolo let loose on Luis Enrique. Particularly on his constantly changing tactical choices, or his false firmness with Kylian Mbappé. “The genius coach responded to the orders of his management by making us believe that he was the boss. If he had been, he would have put Mbappé on the bench until the end of the season. Being the boss and playing the boss are not the same thing,” denounced the RMC consultant, disappointed to see that Luis Enrique proclaimed himself a great tactician that no one could understand, even if he hasn’t won anything in Europe or in the national team for almost 10 years.

Luis Enrique beyond 2025

Daniel Riolo therefore risks not appreciating the decision that the management of PSG is taking. Since according to Le Parisien, everything is now falling into place for Luis Enrique’s contract extension. During the final phase of the Champions League, everything was put on hold, but Nasser Al-Khelaïfi will discuss with the Spaniard and his entourage, and there is no doubt for the Ile-de-France daily that this will lead to a new agreement . An eagerness which raises questions in Paris, where followers like to point out that it is rare to see a coach continue over time, and that the elimination in the Champions League has already weakened the Iberian technician quite a bit due to his choices sometimes misunderstood. After the Coupe de France final, everything is coming together for an official announcement to keep Luis Enrique beyond 2025, even if there is no indication that the former midfielder will complete his contract as he is difficult to stay the course over time at Paris SG.



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