Dax – Agen in Pro D2: return to familiar territory for forward Vincent Farré

Dax – Agen in Pro D2: return to familiar territory for forward Vincent Farré
Dax – Agen in Pro D2: return to familiar territory for forward Vincent Farré

the essential
After an almost blank season, the Agen third row finds a starting place for the trip to Dax. Kick-off for this twenty-ninth and penultimate day of the Second Division Championship, 7:30 p.m.

Vincent Farré may be tough, but on numerous occasions this season his body has told him to stop. With three short ends of the match, he will not have played an hour (56 minutes). The fault lies with a serious ankle injury in 2023. Then, upon his return, a double concussion in Béziers. “I started again too early,” says the Lot-et-Garonnais flanker, native of Aire-sur-l’Adour. “And when you’re physically not ready to play a rugby match, you expose yourself…”

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So, at the end of the season, he took his time. An appearance in Valencia before giving up playing the BO.”I had two weeks to refine my physique and my groundwork. Today, I feel in great shape, ready to give everything. And without apprehension. It’s that’s the most important thing.”

A distinguished fighter

As a wink, it is in Dax that he finds the titular tunic, he trained at Mont-de-Marsan. But in the south of Landes, he will find a very close friend, Jean-Baptiste Barrère. “He’s my best man at the wedding. He’s from Aire-sur-l’Adour, we’ve known each other since childhood.” The reunion will take place off the pitch, the Dacquois not being registered on the match sheet.

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After an almost blank season, the former SUA captain has an appetite before this match, although his team has nothing left to play for. “To restore pride and honor the departing players.”

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Vincent Farré, a generous player, will be expected in the combat zones, like the third line that he will form with Arnaud Duputs and Martin Devergie. Against the Dacquois players “but who know how to hurt themselves on the weekend”, the influence of the pack of Agen forwards on the match will be one of the keys to the match.



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