Couiza. Voluntary gymnastics in assembly

Couiza. Voluntary gymnastics in assembly
Couiza. Voluntary gymnastics in assembly

The general assembly of voluntary gymnastics took place in the green room. Josy on Mondays and Suzanne on Thursdays allow the 25 members to practice physical activity throughout the year, whatever their age. The participants in the assembly praised this practice of voluntary gymnastics, synonymous with sport and health, but allowing them to maintain a certain vitality on a daily basis. Indeed, the two facilitators allow participants to maintain flexibility and muscle strengthening, without forgetting balance and skill. Usually, in June, feasts are organized. But this year, that was not possible, so a meeting in a regional restaurant is being considered in the coming weeks.

After reading and approving the moral and financial reports, the assembly agreed to increase the annual membership fee from €90 to €100 for two sessions per week (Monday and Thursday from 6 to 7 p.m. dojo room in Couiza, entrance tennis court side, behind the multipurpose room).

Clean. 06 88 94 64 85.


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