Olympic Games 2024. Star Tom Cruise announced at the closing ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games

Olympic Games 2024. Star Tom Cruise announced at the closing ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games
Olympic Games 2024. Star Tom Cruise announced at the closing ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games

As the Olympic flame arrives in Marseille, this Wednesday, May 8, RMC Sport announces that the famous American actor Tom Cruise will participate in the closing ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games on August 11. The Hollywood star will thus make the switch to the 2028 Olympic Games in Los Angeles.

According to our colleagues at RMC Sport, Tom Cruise will be one of the main characters of this closing ceremony. On the night of April 25 to 26, the American actor was spotted in the streets of Paris. On his motorbike, hair blowing in the wind, the headliner of the saga Impossible mission followed a series of tours in the small streets of the capital, near the Arc de Triomphe. A traveling car drove in front of the actor at full speed on his electric motorcycle.

“Motorcycle filming in the streets of Paris”

Widely relayed on social networks, this scene caused Internet users and the media to react. The link was first made with the filming of the next Impossible mission which will be released in 2025. But the American actor was ultimately supposed to be in the middle of filming a sequence which should allow, during the closing ceremony of the Games at the Stade de France, to switch to the Los Angeles 2028 Olympics. “The white flag should allow inlays in post-production, a process already used on the Eiffel Tower in June 2021 just before the passage with Tokyo”precise RMC Sport.

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This wouldn’t be the first time that Tom Cruise has participated in the Olympic Games in his own way. In 2004, the actor had already carried the flame to Los Angeles just before the start of the Athens Games.



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