Stakes! At the stadium as in the vineyard

Stakes! At the stadium as in the vineyard
Stakes! At the stadium as in the vineyard

From April 26 to September 29, 2024 – Ground floor of the Cité du Vin

On the occasion of the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, the Cité du Vin explores the unexpected connections between the worlds of vines and sport through an exhibition highlighting sports photographs and testimonies from winegrowers. From meticulous preparation to the crucial moment of the grape harvest or the competition, these are all challenges that athletes and winegrowers must face, and which bring them together.

“I became a winemaker because I wanted to be free, to work outdoors, to take on challenges. The mind helps us in difficult and uncertain times.” Lucie M., winemaker

An athlete who trains, who surpasses himself, who overcomes obstacles until the finish line. A team that throws itself into the competition, that gives its all on the field… And in the vineyard? What challenges do winegrowers face on a daily basis?

Sixteen photographs capturing intense sporting moments, accompanied by testimonies from winegrowers, offer an exploration of these two seemingly very distinct worlds.

Several winemakers from our region were interviewed in order to understand how their professional practice could resonate with that of high-level athletes.

From surfing to athletics, climbing and breaking, newly added to the list of Olympic sports, nearly twelve disciplines are illustrated in this exhibition to passionately express what unites winegrowers and athletes. Because whether you are an athlete or a winegrower, the result is seen on the field, through rigorous training, perseverance and with the strength of the team. A unique opportunity to take a different look at the winegrower’s profession.

This project was labeled by 2024 as part of the Cultural Olympiad and was designed with the participation of the Wine Interprofessional Council.



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