Two Belgian professors named on a list of pro-Russian influencers? “It’s a set-up!”

Two Belgian professors named on a list of pro-Russian influencers? “It’s a set-up!”
Two Belgian professors named on a list of pro-Russian influencers? “It’s a set-up!”

Based on leaked internal documents, several media outlets have revealed the actions of the internationally sanctioned company “Social Design Agency (SDA)”. For at least two years, it has been spreading false information 24 hours a day on social networks in close collaboration with the Kremlin.

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Among the documents that were leaked and published by a journalist from the media “VSquare” on X (ex-Twitter), is an extract from a list that allegedly includes several hundred names of influential personalities, including two Belgians, professors Sven Biscop (UGent) and Damien Ernst (ULiège). The first is in fact a specialist in international relations, collaborator of the Egmont Institute. The second, well known to the French-speaking media, is on the other hand a specialist in electricity.

Are they “useful idiots” of the Kremlin, unknowingly spreading a pro-Russia discourse? Those concerned categorically deny it.

“Let’s be clear, I am not influenced by any country. I am an academic, with my own judgments. You only have to read my positions, my analyses, my interviews to know my opinion on Russia and the current regime,” Mr. Biscop stressed.

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“This is nonsense. Have you ever seen a single pro-Russian element in my statements? On the contrary, I am an energy analyst, who fights for the energy independence of Europe, which includes nuclear power. I have always defended the same line, you can take all my statements. I don’t know what to say, it’s a set-up!”, reacted Mr. Ernst for his part.

The revelations from these documents have caused a stir as far as they concern Germany. One of the stated goals of the SDA campaigns was to see the far-right party, “Alternativ für Deutschland” (AfD), obtain a score of 20% in a poll or to spread the idea that Germany’s support for Ukraine is causing the “worst economic and social crisis in recent history” of the country.



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