There wasn't just professional Ligue 3 on the menu this week. Indeed, in addition to the professionalization of the National Championship or the venue of the final of the French Women's Cup, the Executive Committee of the French Football Federation (FFF) also looked at amateur football. As recently hinted by Philippe Diallo, recently re-elected at the head of the body, the Advisory Committee of amateur clubs within the FFF will see the light of day during the 2025/2026 season. Enough to allow amateur clubs to participate directly in federal life. Claude Delforge, member of the FFF Comex and president of the Amateur Football League, will be at its head.
But that's not all. A national conference on amateur football will be organized next November. The goal? Advancing the amateur world, in consultation with clubs and Leagues, as well as Districts. The distribution of the sums paid by the FFF will notably be on the program. Monlouis, the general secretary of the FFF, and Claude Delforge, will be the coordinators of this national conference. Finally, regarding women's football, Division 3 clubs will be entitled to financial aid of up to 5,000 euros on the basis of a call for projects. Professional clubs are not affected by this new aid.
To summarize
There wasn't just professional Ligue 3 on the menu this week. Indeed, in addition to the professionalization or location of the final of the French Women's Cup, the Executive Committee of the French Football Federation (FFF) also looked at amateur football.