Abdukodir Khusanov, “a monster” who “is not going to stay long” for Brice Samba

Abdukodir Khusanov, “a monster” who “is not going to stay long” for Brice Samba
Abdukodir Khusanov, “a monster” who “is not going to stay long” for Brice Samba

Still impressive against (0-0), Abdukodir Khusanov continues to take on an exceptional dimension at the heart of the defense. To the point of arousing the admiration of his teammates and his coach… and of asking himself the question of his future?

Abdukodir Khusanov, up to the costume

And yet, doubts were allowed. When at the end of the summer transfer window, Kevin Dance took the direction of Roma then returned to Artois full of questions about his alleged heart problems, RC Lens had just lost the best player at the start of the season and the boss of the historic defensive trio formed with Facundo Medina and Jonathan Gradit. “ When I arrived and the departure of Kev (Danso) was in sight, Jean-Louis Leca told me: “Don’t worry, Kodir is here and he is ready”. He wasn’t wrongadmitted Will Still after the match against Nice. It’s good for us as well as for him. He has very impressive potential. »

« He impresses me because he is very young and it is the first time that he has had so many high-level matches and performancesapplauds Adrien Thomasson. But we’ve seen it for over a year in training, it’s still impressive. Especially when you’re in a duel with him. I’m not going to lie to you, I avoid being in a duel with him (smile). I think the attackers have a very complicated 90 minutes every time. It has become very important to us. » Evann Guessand can attest to this. The Nice striker experienced an ordeal facing Abdukodir Khusanov (20 years old). With, as a highlight, this intervention of a nameless authority in its surface, making all Bollaert who gave him a standing ovation.

Best friends with Jhoanner Chavez

« War machine » against , the Uzbek remained in the same face against the OGCN. “ I say the same this (Saturday) evening. It’s impressive. He is calm, powerful and he goes fast. It’s Kodir, he doesn’t speak but he’s good », smiles Will Still. Reserved and on the fringes of the hard core last season, the former Energetik BGU (Belarus) limits himself to Russian, due to not knowing how to speak English or French. “ He opens up a lot more, even if communication is still a little difficultnotes Thomasson all the same. He knows a few words in French, especially football vocabulary which is important. I’m in front of him on the pitch, he manages to put me back. He also takes lessons daily, so it will get better and better as he goes on.. »

Enough to integrate and form strong bonds. “ His best friend is Jhoanner Chavez. I have no idea how they communicatelaughs the Lensois coach. He’s great. He is open and taking French lessons with everyone who needs to take French lessons. As long as he smiles and laughs, I’m a happy man. There are no integration or language concerns. Even if it sounds confusing, football is truly an international language, everyone understands each other » Thomasson confirms, also smiling: “ They are often together because they take classes together. They often communicate by mimes and with a few words in French. They are funny to see ».

Funny for his teammates, much less for his opponents who, for several weeks, have learned to break their teeth on a rock that almost made Kevin Danso forget with “ his physical strength, power and speed », dixit Will Still. « He’s a monster. What he did again tonight… He really scares melaughs Captain Brice Samba. Doing what he does at his age… I don’t think he’ll stay long. » What if it was finally him, the best Lensois at the start of the season and boss of the RC Lens defense?

Enzo PAILOT, in Lens

Photo credits: Baptiste Fernandez/Icon Sport



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