: Aulas returned to ’s sporting difficulties

: Aulas returned to ’s sporting difficulties
Lyon: Aulas returned to Lyon’s sporting difficulties

Marie Mahé, Media365: published on Sunday September 29, 2024 at 4:00 p.m.

This weekend, Jean-Michel Aulas gave an interview to La Tribune Dimanche. The former president of Olympique Lyonnais was particularly moved by the sporting difficulties encountered by his favorite club in recent months.

The start of the season for Olympique Lyonnais is far from easy. In Ligue 1, the club, which remains on a convincing victory against the Greeks of Olympiakos (2-0), this Thursday, for its entry into the running in the Europa League, currently occupies fifteenth place in the ranking of the French championship, before his trip to the pitch. A match which started this Sunday afternoon at 3:00 p.m. For the moment, in the elite, OL’s record is three defeats, for one draw and only one small victory. The supporters of the Rhone club are inevitably afraid of experiencing a start to the year similar, or almost, to that of last season, which saw Olympique Lyonnais having all the difficulty in the world to leave the last positions in the ranking. Jean-Michel Aulas, for his part, is still attentive to the results of Les Gones. The former president of Olympique Lyonnais, who remained in office between 1987 and 2023, gave an interview to La Tribune Dimanche this weekend.

Aulas: “My heart bleeds more often than it beats peacefully”

The former manager looked at these new sporting difficulties encountered by OL, with strong words: “My heart bleeds more often than it beats serenely.” If he is therefore logically concerned, Aulas, despite everything, appreciated the end of last season for his favorite club: “But I really liked Pierre Sage’s comeback. The supporters support the team. There is more 50,000 people at each match.” It was under the leadership of Sage that OL were able to turn things around, even qualifying for the Europa League. The one who is still stationed at OL was chosen by John Textor. Jean-Michel Aulas also confided that relations with the American businessman, his successor at OL, have clearly improved in recent weeks: “We made peace, we even crossed paths in Saint-Tropez this summer But we don’t talk much. I talk to the general manager, Laurent Prud’homme, who is a very good person. I try to help when I’m asked.



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