Childishness, amateurism and confusion of roles at the top of the State (By Thierno Bocoum)

Childishness, amateurism and confusion of roles at the top of the State (By Thierno Bocoum)

The Prime Minister, faithful to his habit of wanting to make people believe in all circumstances that it is he who decides and not the President of the Republic, informed us of his decision to block the motion of censure tabled in the National Assembly.

This decision of the PM was finally validated through a presidential decree.

Let us remember this: he did not declare that he would make his long-awaited general policy statement but rather that he would not allow his impeachment to pass through a motion of censure.

The nuance is important.

In reality, by grafting the DPG into the agenda of the extraordinary session convened by the President of the Republic, the PM wanted to take advantage of the last paragraph of article 97 of the internal regulations of the National Assembly which allows, in the face of all diligence, to extend the deadline of the DPG by at least 8 days after the referral of the deputies.

(The National Assembly must be informed at least eight days before the chosen date.)

This deadline will coincide with September 12, the target date for a possible dissolution of the National Assembly.

He therefore has no intention of making a general policy statement to the deputies.

This childish game at the highest level of the State, which led to the opening of an extraordinary session to vote on a law abolishing the HCCT and the CESE, while knowing in advance the results of such a vote, has been repeated.

The President of the Republic had already predicted the outcome of this session by declaring, in front of the press, that he did not have a majority that would allow him to pass his reforms. And yet, he did not hesitate to take the step and turn the spotlight on a sad theatrical scene.

Why didn’t they wait until September 12 to dissolve the National Assembly and spare us all this game that is taking our country hostage when the priorities are elsewhere?

This September is the month that had been designated to present the long-awaited project.
Unfortunately, it has already been a month of controversy and political politicking which only delays the proper management of the major and urgent needs of the population.

It is obvious that empty barrels make the most noise.

Thierno Bocoum
President AGIR


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