these unpublished images where Tony Estanguet announces to her that she is going to light the cauldron of Paris 2024

these unpublished images where Tony Estanguet announces to her that she is going to light the cauldron of Paris 2024

This is news she did not expect. On July 26, at the end of the opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, It was Marie-José Pérec and Teddy Riner who lit the Olympic flame. An exceptional experience for the two athletes who were very proud to have been chosen. This Wednesday, September 4, it is on the air of France 2 that unpublished images have been revealed. On these, we can see Tony Estanguet making a phone call to Marie-José Pérec. As she picks up, Marie-José Pérec seems surprised by this call but also very moved. Tony Estanguet immediately explained the reason for this phone call: “I’m calling you about tonight’s opening ceremony,” he begins before adding: “I would like you to be the female athlete who lights the cauldron of Paris 2024.” A silence sets in for a few minutes and we can hear Marie-José Pérec in tears. “It makes me cry. I don’t know how to thank you,” she said, upset by this announcement.

Marie-José Pérec: an athlete grateful for this opportunity

Marie-José Pérec was very moved by this proposal. “It makes me so happy, you have no idea,” she confided before adding: “No one has ever given me such a beautiful gift.” A few hours later, she was at Teddy Riner’s side to light the flame (…)

- Closer

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