1 exclusive Benno knocks out Sonko and Diomaye…Macky signs the

1 exclusive Benno knocks out Sonko and Diomaye…Macky signs the

This Monday was very political in Senegal. All eyes were on the National Assembly. The deputies were considering the draft law 11/2024 on the revision of the constitution, the objective of which is to respond to the concern of rationalizing spending by eliminating the HCCT and the CESE. The deputies of the Benno Bokk Yakaar coalition took the opportunity to settle their accounts with Bassirou Diomaye Faye and Ousmane Sonko. But Abdou Mbow and his comrades surely did not expect the trick that their leader, Macky Sall, played on them.

National Assembly of Senegal

The MPs of the Benno Bokk Yakaar coalition did not play President Diomaye’s game. Bill No. 11/2024 revising the Constitution with a view to abolishing the High Council of Local Authorities (HCCT) and the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE) was rejected by the National Assembly. 83 MPs from Benno voted against and 80 MPs voted for. Thus, they give a little longevity to the institutions led by Abdoulaye Daouda Diallo and Aminata Mbengue Ndiaye. However, they are considered budget-consuming and of no interest in development.

During the debates, Benno’s deputies did not spare the president and his prime minister. “The ‘Tapalé, tafanto and cunning’ regime is a regime that refuses to celebrate the commitment made, republican elegance and republican courtesy,” Abdoulaye Wilane told the new regime. Speaking, the President of the majority parliamentary group wanted to finish Ousmane Sonko. Abdou Mbow announced the filing of a motion of censure against the current government. “I solemnly announce that we will file a motion of censure tomorrow to bring down the government,” Abdou Mbow declared.

Benno Bokk Yakaar is taking his revenge on Ousmane Sonko. The parliamentarians still do not forgive the Prime Minister for the General Policy Declaration (DPG). The leader of the Party of African Patriots of Senegal for Work, Ethics and Fraternity (PASTEF) had threatened to roll out his program outside the chamber if the internal regulations of the National Assembly were not updated. To please the PM, the deputies complied with his wishes. But so far, Sonko has not appeared before them.

This is the moment that Diomaye chose to do his test. Unfortunately, Benno stuck to his guns while continuing to ask Sonko to do his DPG. A refusal that risks pushing President Diomaye to speed up the pace. Bassirou Diomaye Faye has already obtained the favorable opinion of the Constitutional Council to dissolve the parliamentary institution. With the refusal to vote for the abolition of the HCCT and the CESE, Abdou Mbow and Co. give full powers to the president to anticipate the legislative elections. Moment chosen by Macky Sall to play a new card.

Macky’s letter to Benno

Known for his political genius, Macky Sall knows when to enter the political game. At a time when all eyes were riveted on the Assembly, the former president threw his pawns. “Even if not everyone is of this opinion, we must think and accept that we must go beyond BBY and project ourselves now into the new time of political action,” he said to his allies, responding to questions on the “relevance of keeping BBY in its current formula.” It can be said without a doubt, Benno is living his last moments. This political machine will be dissolved or reorganized at all levels. This is the end of the opposition’s bête noire!

If Macky acts like this, it is to give a second wind to his allies. Nobody wants to form an alliance with the members of the former presidential movement. In a recent statement, Bougane Guèye said he was ready to form an alliance with Amadou Ba. But the leader of the Gueum Sa Bopp movement poses non-negotiable conditions. “It is unthinkable that I form a coalition with Benno, I even prefer to form a coalition (sic) with Pastef… Macky Sall has sacrificed his party and his coalition,” he said. As if the next few days were going to go very quickly on the political front!

Aliou Niakaar Ngom pour xibaaru.sn


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