CAMEROON News :: Illness of the Cameroonian Head of State: CALL FOR DECENCY from the universal mediator :: CAMEROON News

CAMEROON News :: Illness of the Cameroonian Head of State: CALL FOR DECENCY from the universal mediator :: CAMEROON News
CAMEROON News :: Illness of the Cameroonian Head of State: CALL FOR DECENCY from the universal mediator :: CAMEROON News

Illness is a state of immune failure of which every human being or animal can be a victim, and we should never make fun of a sick person under penalty of breaking the ethical and dialectical protocol which establishes the link between life and death, peace and war, wealth and poverty, happiness and unhappiness. Death knows no limits except by itself, and it has no consideration of age, fortune or greatness. Preaching death, wishing it for oneself or for others, instigating it or promoting it as a solution to a stubborn annoyance or an opposition of principle, corresponds to a state of mental disorder and societal perdition. This is ultimately the worst indecency in addition to being unspeakable cowardice.

Let us give time to time and take the risk of listening again to the songs generated by the deep traditions and values ​​of our African society. Certainly, the Cameroonian context has become a sort of disturbing curiosity for its imperfections, surprises and astonishments, but nothing in what happens to us, conditions us or shapes us on a daily basis, should lead languages ​​to deliver sentences sometimes nourished with poisonous potions. , sometimes cries of despair and sometimes a definitive march towards exile.

Men and women pass, countries remain and life goes on. The speeches that fill the bottles of rumors thrown around in the streets, in living rooms, in the workplace and on public transport, are no longer worthy of an acceptable education. Okay, the president is old, sick, absent, evacuated, and then what? We must remain in the ordinary and in the acceptance of what relates to or arises from both the individual and collective destiny of our society, of our country, of the Republic. Nothing is extraordinary and nothing will change the nature or the anthropological and identity specificity of Cameroon. The abject shows on Sunday television are already sufficiently ostentatious with demoralizing diatribes, for endless rumors and misconduct to further rot family life, life at work and life in general.

And if it was the eagerness for power, very perceptible among some, which is the basis for these outpourings of invective and lack of civility, then it would be better to remind everyone that Cameroon remains, like everywhere else in the world, a country governed by a system, before being governed by a regime, before being governed by a man. Power is not vacant, never has been and never will be. The system exists, functions in its own way and controls the city, even if sometimes it does it in reverse.

From this system, there is no certainty about the codes, links, mechanics, methods and real referential terms. But the system exists and we must be very careful. Power is not in the streets and it is not in anyone’s pocket either, here or abroad. There is no need to have a degree in political science to understand this, otherwise the awakening will be brutal and cruel. The very essence of all power is its capacity to regenerate, to be reborn and to impose itself explicitly or implicitly, at the moment when we believe it to be finished, weakened or dead.

And then, in what tradition of revealed human civilizations do we show so much disdain for age, for a patriarch? There is now something disordered in the public morality of our country that does not honor us. So, a little decency. Our kids are watching us, and tomorrow risk considering the desecration of our graves as a sort of model of education that we have bequeathed to them.

We have to signal the end of recess. The President is and remains first and foremost a human being. Let’s not talk too much.

A little decency./.



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