Sucic rescues a point | OneFootball

Sucic rescues a point | OneFootball
Sucic rescues a point | OneFootball

Real Sociedad is at home against Atlético de Madrid on matchday 9 of the EA Sports League. We didn’t have to wait more than 50 seconds to see Julián Álvarez score his first goal. From there the San Sebastian team took full control of the ball. In the second half the same thing happened, but a great goal from Sucic put the final tie on the scoreboard.

The game started and while people were still sitting down, A very good pass from Javi Galán found Griezmann in the area, who gave the ball with a back heel to Julián Álvarez. The Argentine controlled and finished crosswise with his left foot to beat Remiro when barely 50 seconds had passed. Then Real took control of the game. In the 3rd minute, Zubeldía tested Oblak from afar, but the Slovenian stopped without problems. In the 12th minute, Real took a corner from the left. Zubimendi headed in at the far post towards the left corner, but Oblak made an impressive save. Aguerd finished off the rebound and Oblak made an incredible save again. During all these minutes it was a monologue for Real and it continued to be so for the next few minutes, but the San Sebastián team could not generate any great chances. This is also because Atlético de Madrid was very closed and did not allow Imanol’s team a single goal. In the 41st minute, Kubo made a great individual play and shot on goal, but Oblak remained quite confident and saved it without problems. With nothing more to report, we came to rest.

Julián Álvarez celebrating the goal. Source Atlético de Madrid

At half-time, Imanol made a move and brought on Brais Méndez for Javi López.

The second half began as the first had ended, with Real having possession of the ball. In the 53rd minute, Oyarzabal claimed a penalty after an inopportune and small stomp by Giménez, but neither Diaz de Mera Escuderos nor the VAR ruled anything. In the 57th minute, after a counterattack, Griezmann crossed to the far post, where Nahuel Molina appeared. The Argentine full-back finished with an acrobatic shot, but it went high. Two minutes later, Oyarzabal stood up to Oblak, but when he was already licking his lips, Javi Galán made a providential intervention to save the shot from Eibar. In the 61st minute, Imanol moved the bench again by taking out Barrenetxea for Becker. Three minutes later, it was Cholo who made the change, removing Gallagher for De Paul. Simeone moved the bench again in the 73rd minute, bringing on Sorloth for the night’s scorer, Julián Álvarez. La Real kept trying without success. In the 82nd minute, Simeone was going to exhaust the windows, although not the changes, making a double change. Reinildo and Riquelme came in for Griezmann and Javi Galán. In the 84th minute, Sucic decided first from a few meters behind the front and his shot went directly to the left corner of the goal. Oblak couldn’t do anything, so the Croatian equalized the score. Atlético de Madrid tried to react in the next play, but then Real would take advantage of the momentum of the goal to go for the victory. In the 91st minute, Kubo led a counterattack and launched a powerful shot that skimmed the top corner of the goal. After 5 minutes of added time the game is over.



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