“They held positions allowing them to benefit from undue advantages.”

“They held positions allowing them to benefit from undue advantages.”
“They held positions allowing them to benefit from undue advantages.”

During the Grand Jury broadcast on Sunday September 29, 2024, the director of the CDC did not fail to index former Prime Minister Amadou Bâ, Mr. Mamour Diallo, former minister Mansour Faye, etc. Fadilou Keita did not go there with the back of the spoon. “Amadou Bâ is someone who had state responsibilities and if there is a question of responding, he will respond. » I come back to the 94 billion affair. What was declared to the National Assembly? That the sale had been approved when this is purely false? He knows that it is not approved, it is Amadou Bâ. He lied because he is complicit. That’s the first thing. The second thing is that you heard President Ousmane Sonko say that on several occasions, Amadou Bâ wanted to do things. I knew about it and I asked him to let it go, he let it go.
Amadou Ba said that at the level he was at, it was impossible for Ousmane Sonko to challenge him directly, as general director of taxes and domains.
“Amadou Bâ was director general of taxes and domains, but Ousmane Sonko was the secretary general of the autonomous union of tax and domain agents.” As such, Amadou Bâ was a member, he could be contacted directly by Ousmane Sonko[…]. Today, files are managed by operational entities […]. What justifies this wealth that he has? But we are all exposed to it. We work in areas where people can come and see us, you offer 500, 1 billion, 2 billion, 3 billion… That is to say, if you go there, you are immediately a billionaire[…]. And we know how people collect these goods? Today, Amadou Bâ is immensely rich, and everyone knows it!
What do you blame him for?
“Amadou Bâ and Mamour Diallo held positions allowing them to benefit from undue advantages[…]”. I say it because it is the case. Today, everything that happened on land in Senegal, Amadou Bâ has a responsibility. Mamour Diallo was in the perception of Rufisque. He misappropriated a lot amounts there. The report is available. He was singled out by a report from the Court of Auditors. Despite everything, he was promoted to Director of Taxes. […]. I heard an opponent talking about 98 billion with Mansour Faye, the publicly accused, saying that 98 billion was put in such and such an account…[.]. People have tens or even hundreds of billions in their accounts here in Senegal.



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