At what age should you buy a cell phone for your child?

At what age should you buy a cell phone for your child?

« Before the age of 11, that is, when the child is in primary school, the mobile phone has no use. “, says Laurence Roque-Barret, a psychologist in Gironde. On the other hand, in her eyes, entering secondary school can change the situation. In certain situations, ” The mobile phone can be useful from the sixth grade “, she continues, referring to the fact that ” Sometimes children come home alone after school, whether on foot, by bike or by public transport. The device can therefore help keep them safe, as can the parents, of course. ».


The psychologist, however, insists on the need for parental support. From choosing which apps to download to how much time parents spend on screen time, there are a number of safety settings that parents can manage. “, she continues. Maryse Chrétien, president of the General Association of Public School and Nursery School Teachers (Ageem) is of the same opinion: ” rather than age, the major issue lies in the benchmarks that the adult must provide to the child ».

First without internet…

On this point, a report submitted last spring by a commission of experts to the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron aimed to assess the impact of young people’s exposure to screens. The text makes specific recommendations:

  • Regarding age, experts confirm: that it is not appropriate for children to have a mobile phone before the age of 11, when they start secondary school» ;

  • No internet connection at first. From the age of 11, if they have a telephone, it is recommended that it cannot be used to connect to the internet.” In other words, the device must be limited to the sole possibilities of making calls and writing SMS;

  • Internet access is possible from the age of 13 but not ” to social networks or illegal content» ;

  • « From the age of 15, the symbolic age of digital majority, access to social networks is limited to those with an ethical design» is possible (networks which pay particular attention to the protection of privacy).

Finally, let us recall that the Commission also recommends ” not to expose children under 3 years old to screens, and to advise against their use until the age of 6. Or, at the very least, that it be strongly limited, occasional, with educational content, and accompanied by an adult “, the authors conclude.


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