Athlete Nick Mayhugh’s Amazing Hairstyle Has a Special Meaning

Athlete Nick Mayhugh’s Amazing Hairstyle Has a Special Meaning

brain – By dyeing his hair this way, American athlete Nick Mayhugh wanted to highlight invisible disabilities

Considered the “Paralympic Usain Bolt”, Nick Mayhugh did not go unnoticed at the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games. The 24-year-old American sprinter showed off a surprising blue and red haircut. Beyond the color, it is the pattern on his skull that raises questions: a brain.

An illness discovered at 14 years old

“If you look closely, you can see a lesion on the right side that affects the left side of my body,” Nick Mayhugh explained in an interview on the Games website. He added: “I wanted people to talk about it and understand that there are invisible disabilities. People like me exist and compete in the Paralympics.”

The man discovered his illness at the age of 14, after an epileptic seizure. An MRI showed that part of his brain had not developed normally. This affects “the whole left side of my body, a permanent feeling of numbness or tingling” as he explained to Mondelast May.

Change of category

But this handicap does not prevent him from performing, contrary to what the doctors had told him. The athlete has already participated in the Tokyo Paralympic Games in 2021(…) - 20minutes

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