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Top 14 – The Section snatches the offensive bonus against Stade français

A time deprived of balls by a French Stadium, which came to attack the Hameau, the Section ended up taking the upper hand thanks to a stunning second period (30-16). Carried by the power of its captain Beka Gorgadze and the vision of its three-quarters, Attissogbe, Gailleton and Simmonds, Pau even finished with the offensive bonus. can blame itself…

Pau managed to beat Stade Français during the 4th day of Top 14. Final victory 30-16 for the Palois who obtained the offensive bonus. The Parisians were too messy to hope to win at the Hameau.

From the first minutes, the defenses took over the attacks. After several turnovers, Zack Henry opened the scoring in the 10th following a high tackle from Maddocks on Jonas. Joe Simmonds replied five minutes later.

The very clumsy Section with ball in hand

Pau, at home, tried to establish rhythm, but each offensive was thwarted by a hand fault from the Béarnais. After a forward from Luc, Dakuwaqa scored the first try of the game after a superb pass to the foot of Jonas. Henry added a penalty just before the siren and Stade Français led 13-3 at halftime.

This messy first half gave way to a much cleaner start to the second half. Simmonds scored a penalty after five minutes, but Henry responded on the hour mark (6 to 16). After a long sequence from his forwards, Gailleton scored Pau’s first try in the 53rd minute then Gorgadze allowed Pau to take the lead three minutes later by breaking through the Parisian defense after a touch 5m away.

The Béarnaise attack wakes up after the break

Huguet received a yellow card in the 64th minute after an accumulation of Parisian fouls in their 22m. Pau quickly took advantage with an interception from Tagitagivalu which allowed Attissogbe to make a try in the 66th minute. Simmonds confirmed the Pau victory by offering the offensive bonus in the 78th minute.

Pau knew how to react after a delicate first 40 minutes. Stade Français did not exist in the second half with only one penalty recorded. The Section will go to next weekend while Stade Français hosts .


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