RUGBY. Costes, Gailleton or Depoortere? Jauzion names his potential heir

He is one of (if not THE) best centers to have ever worn the French XV jersey. From the top of his 73 selections, Yannick Jauzion delivered his analysis around the new generation in an article published by The Teamthis Thursday, September 26.

At the heart of the discussions, he evokes the talented newcomers who compete for a place in the XV of . So, he tours the little cracks of the 2003 generation : Paul Costes from Stade Toulousain, Émilien Gailleton from the Section Paloise and Nicolas Depoortere from Union Bègles.

RUGBY. TOP 14. Costes, Gailleton, Depoortere… What if the center (already) belonged to youth?

During the night of rugby, the former Toulousain confides that the young number 13 playing in his club is an element “more of a puncher”. For the Béarnais, it evokes impressive speed. Finally, Jozy focuses carefully on the Girondin whom he appreciates for his ability to play behind him.

For daily sports, he praises the qualities of Nicolas Depoortere, in particular. “We have similar templates. He uses spaces a little bit like I did, and he’s right, you have to take advantage of them to ensure the continuity of the game”, explains Yannick Jauzion. Through these few words, the Bordelo-Béglais will surely feel honored by a player whom he has already described as an example in the past.

”He will go far”: An All Black center from the Top 14 knights Nicolas Depoortère

Last season, two of the three nuggets of French rugby expected at the center have already worn the colors of the XV of France. Indeed, Nicolas Depoortere had two selections during the last VI Nations tournament. For his part, Émilien Gailleton has already been called up for two different international windows, in the summer of 2023 and 2024, for three selections in total. Only Paul Costes has not yet appeared in the rooster’s jersey.

Furthermore, Yannick Jauzion explains that this golden generation at the center is also the success of the French high-level training model. “For several years, we looked for complementarity between the centers, and we did not necessarily find it. There, these are young people who are already used to high level, playing together, for example in the French youth teams. We see that they challenge each other from a distance when they play against each other on the Championship pitches”, details the former international, still in the columns of The Team.

EXCLUDED. From training to the World Cup, where does the inexhaustible source of French rugby come from? - Far from the Blues, close to the heart #1EXCLUDED. From training to the World Cup, where does the inexhaustible source of French rugby come from? – Far from the Blues, close to the heart #1

Recently, Gaël Fickou (30 years old) confessed that he will surely retire in 2027. For Jonathan Danty, who will soon celebrate his 32nd birthday, the end of the French adventure should also coincide with this date. Thus, Fabien Galthié and his staff have three years ahead of them to try tointroduce the talents that will constitute the French center pair of tomorrow. An already known cast?

TOP 14. Gaël Fickou (normally) knows the date of the end of his career, and wants to finish strong!TOP 14. Gaël Fickou (normally) knows the date of the end of his career, and wants to finish strong!



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