Why women file for divorce more often than men in heterosexual couples
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Why women file for divorce more often than men in heterosexual couples

In Western countries, women file for divorce more often than men in heterosexual couples. Here’s why.

In the West, women in heterosexual relationships file for divorce much more frequently than men, according to statistics. The BBC provides figures. They are responsible for 70% of divorce cases in the United States, recalls “Slate”, and 62% in the United Kingdom (2019). In France, 75% of requests are initiated by women. An even more telling figure, 45% of marriages end in divorce in France. The disillusionment of a marriage that does not meet expectations and an excessive mental burden within the couple can partly explain these figures.

More independence, more divorces

Michelle Dayan, a family law lawyer, interviewed by Julia Layani in the podcast “Conversations Before the End of the World,” provides some answers. “I have two explanations. The first, which is the one that I get the most criticism for, is that men move from one nest to another, and they don’t want to be alone, and that in general, when they leave, it’s because there’s someone in the picture. If there’s no one, they don’t leave. They stay, even if they’re unhappy,” explains the expert, recalling what she has observed over the course of her career. “Over 30 years of professional practice, I have about ten men in my clientele who left without there being anyone else. Today, men, in order to leave, have to…

Read the rest of the article on Elle.fr

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