Michel Barnier speaks of “people at the bottom” during the transfer of power and angers the left
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Michel Barnier speaks of “people at the bottom” during the transfer of power and angers the left

POLITICS – A formula “contemptuous”The left expressed its anger on social networks this Thursday, September 5, after the transfer of power between the now ex-Prime Minister Gabriel Attal and his newly appointed successor Michel Barnier. The cause: the remarks of the former Minister of Foreign Affairs, which recall the controversial one-liners of Emmanuel Macron.

Michel Barnier Prime Minister: these files that Gabriel Attal left to the new tenant of Matignon

“I have learned in my long public life that good ideas come from everywhere, from elsewhere, often from the most modest, the simplest people, when you take the time to listen to them.”he begins in the excerpt shared by BFMTV that you can watch below.

And Michel Barnier continues, glancing at the paper he is holding in his hand on which his speech is written: “I can think of many examples of progress, big or small, that has been made thanks to ideas, good ideas, good solutions brought by people at the bottom… that must be respected.”

Michel Barnier “contemptuous”

For Ian Brossat, the expression does not work. “The ‘people below’ do not exist. The contemptuous ones do. Barnier is one of them, clearly.”he tackled on X. His tweet was widely shared on the social network, but he is not the only left-wing personality to have been upset.

“Everything has been said about the “humility” repeated by the usurper of Matignon”wrote Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who wanted a figure from his LFI movement to impose himself at the head of the government. Michel Barnier, former Brexit negotiator, is registered with Les Républicains.

Besides Jean-Luc Mélenchon, other Insoumis have rebelled. “Barnier’s first speech, first class contempt. Hatred of the people as a political compass”commented MP Thomas Portes. “Beware of the “people below”, it is they (sic) who make history even if they suffer the perpetual contempt of the “people above” like you”a mass in the guard of Céline Verzeletti.

For the NFP, Barnier’s appointment is a « vol »

Socialist senator Yan Chantrel also denounced “class contempt as a political line” by Michel Barnier, while Génération.s MP Benjamin Lucas warned: “In the Republic there are no “people at the bottom”, Mr. Prime Minister. There are the people at the very top. Above everything. Above you. You will see it.”

The words of the new tenant of Matignon recall the controversial one-liners of the head of state, regularly singled out for his expressions deemed contemptuous. In 2017, for example, he caused a scandal by speaking of “people who are nothing”, as we explained to you at the time in video.

The appointment of Michel Barnier comes after seven weeks of long and difficult negotiations between Emmanuel Macron and the political parties. The left, united under the New Popular Front label and having come out on top in the legislative elections, denounced a « vol » of the election and already announced that it would censure the Barnier government.

Also see on Le HuffPost :

Michel Barnier Prime Minister: all these positions which could have tipped the balance in his favour

Michel Barnier, Prime Minister, Lucie Castets sees this as a decision “that goes against institutional logic”


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