“I think of Michel [Côté] “every evening”: Luc Guérin prepares to reconnect with “Broue”

“I think of Michel [Côté] “every evening”: Luc Guérin prepares to reconnect with “Broue”

The “national wealth” that is theatrical comedy Broueas Luc Guérin describes it, will soon reconnect with the Quebec public, its performers keeping the memory of Michel Côté alive on stage.

The date of September 6 will be very special for Benoît Brière, Martin Drainville and Luc Guérin, the “new administration” that has been defending this play since 2019. For the first time since December 2022, and especially since the death of Michel Côté, they will reunite with the characters of Verrue, Pointu and Bob, to name a few.

• Also read: Death of Michel Côté: Benoît Brière plans an emotional evening on his return Broue

• Also read: Exhibition “Broue. The Man of the Taverns” at the Museum of Civilization, Michel Côté was “moved to tears”

“I never forgot Michel,” Luc Guérin said in a telephone interview. “I think about him every night. We weren’t close, but I knew his work. I have endless admiration for him. He was always an example to me, because [comme lui]throughout my career, I have always sought truth in comedy and in drama.”

Joel Lemay / QMI Agency

An inspiration

The trio formed by Michel Côté, Marcel Gauthier and Marc Messier has performed 3,322 times in 38 years to present Broue across Quebec, before passing the torch. Before each show, Martin Drainville addresses the audience on behalf of his colleagues to highlight the contribution of the giants who preceded them.

“Even before I acquired the rights, I was a huge fan of these people,” continues Luc Guérin. The era of Brouethe era of Claude Meunier and Louis Saia […]I found my style within all of that. Even before Michel got sick, we always, always thought of the guys when we played it.”

Photo archives Joël Lemay/Agence QMI

Some six years have passed since the three experienced actors embarked on the adventure of Brouewhich was created in 1979. What explains the longevity of this work, whose story takes place around the entry into force of the law allowing women to access taverns?

“The authors had the intelligence to write sketches to highlight the faults of men without ever ridiculing them,” says Luc Guérin. “These men were not bosses at work or at home. At the tavern, with a small drink, it gave them the courage to speak. It’s not always the best way, but there was [au moins] That.”

A unique color

PHOTO COURTESY/François Brunelle

Luc Guérin and his companions believe today that they are able to respect the rich text of Brouewhile adding their flavor.

“I can’t say that in the beginning, I had that much fun, because we were super respectful and I played in a more academic way, he admits. Over time, we appropriated our own color in the interpretation.

“We don’t necessarily do everything that Michel, Marcel or Marc did. We’ve reshuffled the deck.”

  • Broue will be presented 38 times across Quebec from September 6 to December 7. It will be at the Théâtre Maisonneuve in Montreal on September 27 and 28.

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