Michel Barnier barely appointed, François Hollande takes out the sprayer

Michel Barnier barely appointed, François Hollande takes out the sprayer

The French finally have a new Prime Minister! Nearly two months after the second round of legislative elections and 51 days after the resignation of Gabriel Attal’s government, Michel Barnier has been appointed Prime Minister by Emmanuel Macron. According to the Élysée, the President of the Republic would have “assured” that it meets the conditions of stability and the broadest possible unity. Shortly after the appointment of Michel Barnier, François Hollande spoke in a video shared on his X account (ex-Twitter). “Is this an alternation that will occur with Mr. Barnier? The answer is no. Or will it be an even more right-wing shift than has been proposed so farhe said.

François Hollande: “This is the continuation of Mr. Macron’s policy”

Finally, the former President of the Republic added: “What I believe the French were expecting in the multiple choices they made, which are quite contradictory, is a change. And I don’t think that, whatever Mr Barnier’s quality, he represents a change. This is the continuation of Mr. Macron’s policy, and I think that it is this policy that the French, after he decided to dissolve the National Assembly, wanted to change.”In the comments section, many Internet users reacted. “You shouldn’t have refused Cazeneuve! You are responsible for this situation (…)

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