Will Michel Barnier succeed in forming a government this week?
DayFR Euro

Will Michel Barnier succeed in forming a government this week?

He called for ” keep the olympic spirit “, but Michel Barnier continues to have difficulty forming his selection of champions for the government. The Prime Minister may say that by going beyond political divisions, nothing is impossible, each initiative, real or supposed, of the head of government has been the subject of reminders to order.

In the presidential camp, there is particular concern about too much space being given to the Republicans, the party of Michel Barnierin the future government, indicates Aurélien Devernoixjournalist in the political service of RFI.

It must be said that the ambitious are rushing to the gate: the boss of the LR, Laurent Wauquiezthe president of the Île-de-France region, Valerie Pecresse or the leader of the Republican senators, Bruno Retailleau. Several figures from the right wing of Macronie also intend to remain in the government team, such as Gérald Darmanin, Sébastien Lecornu, Rachida Dati and Catherine Vautrin.

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