Back to school day for parliamentarians
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Back to school day for parliamentarians

It is the first day back for parliamentarians in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The work of the two chambers, the National Assembly and the Senate, resumes this Monday after three months of suspension. A session that will mainly be budgetary.

Congolese parliamentarians are back in the capital Kinshasa for three months for a new session which should end around December 15, reports our journalist.Paulina Zidi.

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And this is a bit of a first big return for the two chambers resulting from the elections of December 20th, since the previous session, in March, was mainly marked by the installation of the new offices, the composition of which took time.

Now, it is with Vital Kamerhe, at the helm of the National Assembly, and Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde, at the head of the Senate, that the Congolese parliamentarians will first work on the 2025 budget. A preliminary draft that has already been recently adopted by the Council of Ministers. It must be presented very soon to Parliament.

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