Weekly weather: gradual softening

Weekly weather: gradual softening

France, located between a British anticyclone and Mediterranean low pressure, is experiencing contrasting conditions depending on the region this week. And with the wind direction to the east then to the southeast, temperatures are gradually rising.

France is therefore in for a mixed weather forecast with beautiful sunny days in the north and more clouds in the south where the sometimes stormy showers will tend to increase over the days, taking on a stormy character.

Return of clouds this Monday

After a beautiful weekend, the week begins under clouds in the north because the British high pressure system has a little weakness by shifting to the Irish Sea and lets a disturbance pass. A few drops are even possible. In the south, the sun holds, as well as turbulent mistral and tramontane in the Mediterranean.

Tuesday, variable skies across the country

The disturbance of the day before will descend towards the south, bringing many clouds from the Pyrenees to the eastern borders at the same time as a depression coming from Italy will bring thunderstorms between the Côte d’Azur and Corsica. Conversely, the regions of a quarter northwest will find large clearings thanks to the strengthening of the British anticyclone.

A sunny Wednesday in the north, but unstable in the Mediterranean

While the sun will shine generously in the north after the dissipation of some morning greyness, there will be more clouds moving south, particularly near the Mediterranean where thunderstorms are expected, especially between Corsica and Provence Côte d’Azur.

A contrasting weekend, between sunshine in the north and stormy showers in the south

The British high pressure system will remain fixed on the British Isles, forcing depressions to go around it to the south. In this context, disturbances coming from Italy could bring stormy passages circulating from the Alps to the Mediterranean to the Pyrenees while the sun will resist to the north. This development currently presents a still limited reliability in the detailed chronology, but it is advisable to monitor the trajectory of these disturbances and the associated storm risk for the southern third of France.

General softening

With the wind direction to the east and then to the southeast, temperatures will start to rise. From Wednesday, the polar air will evacuate towards Scandinavia. The risk of frost in the plains will disappear. At the same time, maximum temperatures will begin to rise slowly. From Thursday, we will return above seasonal norms.

National thermal indicator from September 16 to 23 – © La Chaîne Météo

- La Chaîne Météo


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