How does Aquarius deal with betrayal?

How does Aquarius deal with betrayal?

Aquarius is a free spirit, often detached from conventions classic emotional. He values ​​honesty and transparency in his relationships, and a betrayal can destabilize him, even if he does not always show it. However, faced with such an upsetting situation, his need for independence often takes over, causing him to react in an unexpected and unconventional.

An apparent detachment: rationality above all

Aquarius has a unique way of handling their emotions, and when faced with betrayal, they adopt a distant, even cold, posture. Unlike other signs who can explode or cry, they prefer to analyze the situation from a rational angle. They seek to understand why the betrayal happened rather than reacting emotionally. This detachment can give the impression that they are insensitive, but in reality, Aquarius protects itselfHe prefers to put some distance between himself and the event to avoid being overwhelmed by feelings that he considers cumbersome.

Reflection and distancing: need for space

After absorbing the shock, Aquarius take a step back. This sign has a vital need for freedom and, when faced with a betrayal, it will instinctively move away, not out of anger, but to think. Far from immediate emotions, it seeks to see things clearly. During this period of distance, it may seem detached or (…)

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