Here’s the exact age when you stop gaining weight, according to an expert

Here’s the exact age when you stop gaining weight, according to an expert

During menopause, hormonal changes, such as the decrease in estrogen, directly influence the metabolism. The latter slows down, and the body expends less energy on the same activities as before. Without significant changes in diet or physical activity, weight gain is therefore almost inevitable. The question is therefore at what age does this weight gain stop? According to the psychologist-nutritionist Laurence Hauratquestioned by The Women’s Journalit is not easy to give a precise answer as each body reacts differently.

Menopause: At what age do we stop gaining weight?

“It is always very complicated to provide a general answer since each body is different. First of all, not all women gain weight during menopause. Let’s say that (peri)menopause represents a period of major hormonal upheavals which leads to fluctuations in weight, often in the direction of weight gain.”explains the specialist. A study published in theInternational Journal of Obesity suggests that weight gain may continue for up to 22 years after menopause, or potentially up to 72 years for a woman who reached menopause at age 50, with an average increase of 0.43% per year. However, these data should be taken with caution, according to Laurence Haurat. “Weight gain is rarely linear. There is often a “peak” of gain (…)

- Grazia

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