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Artificial intelligence: sometimes disappointing results!

Are you worried about artificial intelligence? Our state legislators are too, having recently passed House Bill 205, which represents the first attempt in the United States to regulate artificial brains. This text was put in place to control AI in various areas such as employment, credit, financial and legal services, insurance, health, housing and, let’s be careful, also in government.

Do you feel better now? Don’t be!

It should be noted that giants like Google, IBM and Microsoft came to support this bill. This deserves to question its quality. Even our governor, involved in the online business of greeting cards and flowers, signed Bill 205 reluctantly, believing that adjustments were necessary. The main problem lies in the data sets that AI relies on, often biased by human behaviors which are then amplified by the algorithms. A reason to be really worried! And it must be clarified, the law will not come into force until 2026! If we survive until then!

In the meantime, we will all need to remain vigilant as AI enters our lives…

At the circulation desk

(Peter Moore, influencer with The Colorado Sun)

At the bank

(Peter Moore, influencer with The Colorado Sun)

If you need insurance

(Peter Moore, influencer with The Colorado Sun)

If you buy a house

(Peter Moore, influencer with The Colorado Sun)

At the health clinic

(Peter Moore, influencer with The Colorado Sun)

When you need a lawyer

(Peter Moore, influencer with The Colorado Sun)

If you are applying to a university

(Peter Moore, influencer with The Colorado Sun)

If you are a citizen

(Peter Moore, influencer with The Colorado Sun)



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