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Medical studies: the government maintains exam dates and calls for responsibility

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The government, via its spokesperson Mustapha Baitas, held a press briefing on Tuesday, June 25, to provide clarification on the issue of studies in medicine and pharmacy.

A crisis that has lasted for months, and in which students boycott exams and internships despite various meetings with the government which responded favorably to the majority of their grievances, except that relating to the 6th year of medicine.

The government’s exit this Tuesday follows a meeting held on Friday June 21 with student representatives during which the government detailed its proposal for ending the crisis. Student reaction was not positive. More than 90% of students say they are ready to boycott the exams whose dates have been announced from June 26. In a press release, the National Commission of Medical Students in Morocco requested a further postponement.

In response, the government formalized its position via a press briefing and confirmed the maintenance of the new dates, without no further postponement possible.

The executive says it “assumes its responsibility in order to guarantee the quality of training”, indicated the government spokesperson.

Here are the measures proposed by the government

>> Immediate measures linked to exams:

– The spring session opens on June 26, 2024, its remedial session begins before the end of August 2024, while the exams for the first semester remedial session are scheduled for September 2024;
– Recover interrupted internship periods from the next academic year;
– Replace the 0 on the statements with the grade obtained during the remedial session of the first semester (scheduled for September 2024);
– Review of disciplinary measures.

>> Measures linked to the reform of medical training:

1- Course of the Doctor of Medicine degree:

– Activate the new structure (6 years of training) from the next academic year (2024-2025), which will concern the new cohort of students enrolled in the faculties of medicine and pharmacy from September 2024, while retaining the academic and legal value of the diploma;

– inclusion of modules on digitalization, AI, telemedicine, family medicine, simulation, soft skills and foreign languages. This new system is also based on new teaching models which include distance learning as a complementary model to face-to-face teaching.

– Students currently continuing their studies in the faculties of medicine and pharmacy (from the 1st year to the 5th year) remain subject to the current educational structure of medical training. Those in the 6th year can benefit from clinical internships in approved hospital services before defending their thesis. These training courses last at least three months and a maximum of one year. Those concerned will benefit from remuneration similar to that of 7th year students. They also receive a certificate for each training period.

– Inclusion of two family medicine modules in 6th year;

– Adopt a reference framework for simulation learning that will benefit all faculties of medicine, pharmacy and dentistry.

2- Compensation

– increase the allowances granted to external students enrolled in the third year, fourth year, fifth year and sixth year in medicine and pharmacy.

3- Theses

– Increase the number of theses that can be prepared simultaneously for each professor-researcher;
– Allow a maximum period of 3 months to register and defend the thesis, and not limit the number of cases studied in the analytical part of the thesis;
– Adopt the digital platform intended for the management of thesis subjects at the level of all faculties of medicine and pharmacy from the next academic year 2024-2025.

4- Medical specialty (third cycle):

– Commissions were created at the national level to review access conditions, training programs, evaluation methods and conditions for obtaining a diploma;
– Adopt descriptive sheets linked to specialization, based on the proposals of these commissions and activate the reform of the third cycle in medicine, pharmacy and dentistry in January 2025 ;
– Unify the legal status of residents while working to preserve achievements and reduce the duration of commitment from 8 to 3 years for the 2025 cohort and beyond ;
– The resident benefits from a monthly salary equivalent to index 509, and the rest of the compensation provided for by law;
– Increase the number of positions allocated to the residency competition from January 2025 in proportion to the number of graduates of the two promotions during the same year;
– Integrate the resident as soon as he takes up his position, while retaining all acquired skills (promotion, retirement, resignation after the end of the contractual period, etc.);
– Adopt a clear procedure for changing specialty and movement during the residency period.

5- Boarding school

– Maintain the course;
– Increase the number of positions allocated to the internship competition from January 2025 in proportion to the numbers of the two promotions during the same year;
– Increase the compensation granted to interns.

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