DayFR Euro

A new Dana in Spain? Farid answers your weather question

Currently, calculators model 40 to 120 L with Catalonia and northern Valencia + Mallorca slightly more at risk. At this time, it is advisable to follow the updates because there will still be significant disparities over a few km and a lull seems likely at the end of the week. Also, snow should appear on the reliefs and in particular the Sierra Nevada.

And for the rest of the country this Monday?

A line of waves will cross the center between 6 and 9 a.m. with low accumulations. It will then reach the south and the Ardennes where precipitation could give 2-5 L as it drags on a little longer. During this time, the sun, already present at the sea, will reach the entire north of the Sambre et Meuse furrow before midday. Cumulus clouds in the inactive tail and a veil of cirrus clouds on top while it will still remain gray to the south.

In the afternoon, quite a bit of sunshine on the coastal strip and beautiful clearings over Hainaut-Brabants with also large cumulus clouds. The latter will be able to locally shed a short wave. These showers will be more numerous in the east and south while it will be quite sunny moving towards the west. Fairly strong northwest wind with a maximum of 7 to 12°C. In the evening, the return of occlusion will give more continuous rain especially from the center to the east before evacuating into .

Here is the weather forecast for the period from Monday November 11 to Friday November 15. ©Mons Weather

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