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“If things get stuck from the first meeting, that complicates everything”: Georges-Louis Bouchez confides before a secret interview with Bart De Wever

For several days, we followed the big winner of the elections on the French-speaking side, Georges-Louis Bouchez. Focus on a particularly important day: that of an interview between Bart De Wever and the president of the MR.

Since the announcement of the results of the elections on Sunday June 9, Georges-Louis Bouchez has been working ardently to find a coalition for our future government.

As a reminder, the MR emerged as the big winner in these 2024 federal elections, coming in first in Brussels as well as in Wallonia. In the north of the country, it was Bart De Wever’s party (N-VA) which rose to first position, ahead of Vlaams Belang. Not hesitating to negotiate with the Dutch-speaking party, the president of the Reform Movement spoke with Bart De Wever on June 13 during a secret meeting.

During the trip, Georges-Louis Bouchez says he is calm before this interview and explains what he thinks of Bart De Wever. “So, he’s not a cordial person, but he’s an interesting person. I really like talking with him, because it’s always interesting to talk with intelligent people.“.

A clear instruction

“To be able to accompany the president of the MR before this interview, he gave us instructions to respect: not to speak to anyone about this meeting between the two politicians before it takes place. And this, in order to not to offend his interlocutor, he explains ‘If it fails at the first meeting, that complicates everything, my ambition is above all to make it work,’ adds Georges-Louis Bouchez.

What is certain is that this interview could prove crucial for the future. “We are going to share some main points and see each other’s ambitions.“, the president of the MR confides to us during the journey.

As a reminder, Bart De Wever was appointed royal informant by the king last week. The mayor of Antwerp will have to submit his first report by June 19.

Discover the report on Georges-Louis Bouchez in full this evening, in your RTL Info 7 p.m.

georges-louis bouchez mr elections 2024 Bart de Wever n-va


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