DayFR Euro

a French flag torn from a window on the sidelines of an anti-RN demonstration


Thousands of people gathered throughout the evening in several cities in France

Unsplash / © Rafael Garcin

The day after the breakthrough of the National Rally during the European elections and the announcement by Emmanuel Macron of the dissolution of the National Assembly, numerous organizations and parties classified on the left of the political spectrum called for demonstrations on Monday evening in across France. Among them, La France insoumise, the CGT, which wants to build a “ Popular Front “ against the far right or even the Unef, which is mobilizing against “the brown plague”.

In Nantes, at least 1,000 people gathered at the end of the day on Monday. A procession left around 7 p.m. from the Loire-Atlantique prefecture behind a banner marked “revolution or barbarism”. In the evening, a French flag hanging from the window of a home was torn down. In the images posted on social networks, we can see an individual climbing to the first floor of a building to tear down a French flag to the applause of a crowd displaying union or far-left symbols. The activists also stoned the window of the apartment where the flag was hanging.

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A major demonstration planned this weekend

Socialist Party, Communist Party, ecologists and La France insoumise called on Monday to “join the processions” planned this weekend at the call of the CFDT, the CGT, the UNSA, the FSU and Solidaires who want “manifest as widely as possible”. The trade union organizations had called earlier in the evening, in a joint press release, for demonstrations this weekend “to support the need for progressive alternatives for the world of work” ahead of the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7.


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