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the left-wing “popular front” nominates unique candidates in each constituency

THOMAS SAMSON / AFP For the 2024 legislative elections, Olivier Faure, Marine Tondelier, Fabien Roussel and François Ruffin are marking the birth of a “new popular front” on the left.


For the 2024 legislative elections, Olivier Faure, Marine Tondelier, Fabien Roussel and François Ruffin are marking the birth of a “new popular front” on the left.

POLITICS – Back to the future on the left. Eighty-eight years after Léon Blum, the legislative elections convened by Emmanuel Macron after the dissolution of the National Assembly gave birth to a “new popular front”. Its birth was recorded this Monday, June 10, the day after the European elections after a few hours of discussion at the Ecologists’ headquarters.

This decision follows the launch of two initiatives during the day: the launch by François Ruffin of a petition “for a popular front” which claims 100,000 signatures in a few hours, and the call by Raphaël Glucksmann to Laurent Berger to lead the common fight on the left.

Only one candidate per constituency

In a press release signed in the evening, all the left-wing groups which were part of the NUPES created in 2022 (La France insoumise, the Socialist Party, the Ecologists, the Communist Party, Place Publique, Générations) noted the decision to “support unique applications from the first round”. It is also mentioned, without further details, of a “breaking program detailing the measures to be taken in the first 100 days of government of the new popular front”.

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“The Popular Front label seems the best accepted since several participants (like us) used it in turn. In my eyes, it is precious because it indicates a desire to extend the action to associative and union forces”greeted Jean-Luc Mélenchon on his blog.

Last announcement of this surprise press release: call to join the processions initiated by unions and associations to demonstrate in the coming days. The objective is twofold: “build an alternative to Emmanuel Macron and fight the racist project of the far right”. “Macron is preparing for the worst. But the worst can be thwarted”wants to believe the president of the LFI group in the Assembly, Mathilde Panot.

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The Mélenchon case not (yet) resolved

At this stage, many questions remain: what happens to the differences that the war in Ukraine and the conflict in the Gaza Strip have brought to light? Will the project carried out by this alliance be the same as in 2022? Will Jean-Luc Mélenchon once again be the figure that this movement wants to bring to Matignon? Will the voters of each party be seduced?

On BMFTV, the national secretary of the Ecologists, Marine Tondelier, provided only one response. In essence: the principle of the alliance is established, all the details are still to be resolved. Confirmation from Paul Vannier, LFI’s Mr. Elections: “We have validated the roadmap, we must agree on the content and the electoral agreement. We’re working on it from now on”he told AFP.

While waiting for the details, the rivals are already very critical of this “new popular front”. “With LFI… NUPES 2.0”, denounced the former Minister of Transport Clément Beaune. President of the Les Républicains party, Éric Ciotti also denounces the choice of the PS, the PCF and the Ecologists to ally with LFI. “We do not compromise with anti-Semitism and anti-republicanism! This far-left coalition is a real danger for France! »he tweeted.

Also see on The HuffPost:

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