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Province of Taourit: strong commitment of the INDH to the service of rural women

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 1:28 p.m.

Taourirt – Several activities were organized on Tuesday in the province of Taourirt to celebrate and recognize the role of rural women in local development through their membership in the various projects supported by the National Initiative for Human Development (INDH).

These activities, organized on the occasion of the International Day of Rural Women (October 15) by the Provincial Human Development Committee (CPDH) of the province of Taourirt, in cooperation with its partners from several rural communes, included the presentation of local and traditional artisanal products manufactured by cooperatives and women’s centers which have benefited from the support of the INDH.

Communication meetings during which speakers recalled in particular the programs put in place by the State to support women with project ideas, in addition to the awarding of diplomas to a certain number of women who have benefited from the services provided by reception centers, also supporting the menu of this celebration.

These meetings also provided an opportunity to highlight the role of rural women in sustainable local development, as well as the efforts made by the INDH to support women in precarious situations, in rural areas in particular, through its various development programs aimed at empowering women and improving their economic and social situations, by creating self-employment opportunities and improving their skills in several areas.

In a statement to MAP, the head of the Social Action Division (DAS) of the province of Taourirt, Bachir Seddiki, underlined the particular attention that the INDH pays to women, particularly those from rural areas. , through the implementation of numerous projects in various fields for the benefit of this category, considered the most important link in the process of promoting human development.

He explained that the CPDH allocated, through the Support Program for People in Precarious Situations, around 1.6 million dirhams for the operation of reception centers in different local authorities in the province, with some 1,280 beneficiaries. , with a view to strengthening and promoting services dedicated to rural women, particularly those linked to income-generating activities, craft professions and awareness-raising actions.

It also involves supporting and financing a set of projects for the benefit of women’s cooperatives, as part of the social and solidarity economy axis, with the aim of integrating them into the economic fabric, increasing the proportion of women active and improve their living conditions.

  1. Seddiki added that projects and operations approved as part of the program to boost the human capital of rising generations aimed to raise awareness among mothers, pregnant women and those of childbearing age on the importance of medical monitoring during pregnancy. and childbirth, and improving behaviors related to maternal and child nutrition, through awareness campaigns carried out each year and the support and equipment of health centers to which a budget of 2.5 million dirhams has been allocated. was allocated, and which benefited nearly 10,000 women and girls.

In the same context, the CPDH has carried out projects aimed at promoting the education of girls in good conditions, through the construction, equipment and support for the management of Dours Attaliba (student houses). , for a financial package of around 7 million dirhams, from which more than 900 girls have benefited.

The Provincial Committee also supported school transportation for the benefit of more than 1,600 girls from rural areas, added the head of the DAS, noting that all these actions contributed to the improvement of indicators relating to social, economic and social integration. education of rural women and increase their access to basic social structures and services.


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