Discovery: animals live under the ocean floor

Discovery: animals live under the ocean floor
Discovery: animals live under the ocean floor

“The ecosystem of chimneys [hydrothermales] in this area is not limited to what we see above, it also includes life below ground,” explains Sabine Gollner.

To preserve these unique extremophiles, scientists say, more of the ocean floor needs to be legally protected. But this could prove difficult because many of these ecosystems also contain rare minerals on which new technologies may depend.

One of the main threats to deep-sea ecosystems is their mining, the process of extracting mineral deposits on the seabed, such as cobalt or nickel, which is opposed by scientists and environmental organizations. .

“We do not know the extent of these small connected caves, we have no idea of ​​all the biodiversity or biomass actually present under the ground,” warns Rachel Lauer. There’s a whole other layer here, literally! »

According to her, since ocean floor ecosystems are probably interconnected, large sections of them must be protected.

“We need to at least understand what’s there before we potentially destroy these habitats,” warns Heather Olins, a biologist at Boston College who was not involved in the study.

According to Sabine Gollner, it is not known exactly how deep this underground habitat extends, or how far it stretches horizontally, information that is crucial to protecting the entire hydrothermal vent system beyond just the part visible from the chimney.

Studying hydrothermal vents and preserving them for future research can also help scientists understand conditions for life other than on Earth.

“If there is life outside of Earth in our solar system, it will not be supported by solar energy,” says Heather Olins, because no other place in our solar system has surface conditions. conducive to life as we know it.

“We know that there is volcanic activity, and an ocean,” explains Heather Olins. There is no reason why life similar to that which develops in hydrothermal vents should not exist elsewhere in our solar system. »



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