Adaptation to global warming, biodiversity, energy… The urgent environmental projects awaiting Michel Barnier at Matignon – Libération
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Adaptation to global warming, biodiversity, energy… The urgent environmental projects awaiting Michel Barnier at Matignon – Libération


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At the time of ecological transitiondossier

The environmental issues that have been bogged down are piling up in the drawers of the new Prime Minister. The associations hope that Michel Barnier, who is an expert on these subjects, will take charge of them quickly because the ecological transition cannot wait.

A prominent pile, forgotten in the public debate for months. On the desk of the new Prime Minister, Michel Barnier, are waiting numerous environmental files. Among the imperative projects are, among others, the budget allocated to the ecological transition, the national plan for adaptation to climate change and the “major energy-climate programming law”. Also lying around are numerous roadmaps and, more importantly, draft laws supposed to outline a course in many areas: biodiversity, green energy, transport, agriculture, etc. “We hope that the new government will get on with it quickly, says Morgane Piederriere, head of advocacy at the France Nature Environnement (FNE) associative network. We cannot afford to wait indefinitely, France is already behind schedule.”

The stakes are crucial, extremely urgent. In 2015, France committed to limiting global warming to below 1.5°C by signing the Paris Agreement. Eight years later, the government has said it is ready to take on the challenge of halving its CO2 emissions by 2030. On this point, the latest figures for 2023 are encouraging.


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