Where and when to demonstrate on Saturday, September 7 against “Macron’s coup” – Libération

Where and when to demonstrate on Saturday, September 7 against “Macron’s coup” – Libération

The idea emerged on August 27, in the wake of Emmanuel Macron’s decision to rule out Lucie Castets as Prime Minister. It has been further strengthened following the appointment of Michel Barnier, a veteran of the French right, as Prime Minister. The youth unions, the Student Union and the High School Union (USL), have called for demonstrations throughout France on Saturday, September 7. “It was our role since the youth mobilized against the arrival in power of the extreme right and against Emmanuel Macron, who was severely beaten in three elections in just one month,” justified Thursday Manès Nadel, president of the USL, in Humanity.

The watchword, “against the autocracy of Emmanuel Macron”, was then quickly joined by La France Insoumise, which also called for “a big demonstration against this coup”Since then, almost all the left-wing parties (the PCF, Les Ecologistes, Génération·s, l’Après, Picardie Debout) have announced their support for the mobilization, with the notable exception of the Socialist Party, which even after the nomination of Michel Barnier on Thursday, is sticking to its initial position: no national call to demonstrate, even if its members remain free to march.

As for civil society, several associations and organizations will be present. This is the case, for example, of Attac, Family Planning or #NousToutes.

In total, the youth organizations behind Saturday’s demonstrations have counted 150 marches or gatherings throughout the country. A comprehensive list has been posted online by La France insoumise and Liberation below gives you the route through the six most populated cities in France.


In the capital, the demonstration will follow the classic route in the East, between Bastille and Nation. The meeting point is set for 2 p.m.


In France’s second city, the meeting is set for 2 p.m. at Porte d’Aix, in the 3rd arrondissement.


In Lyon, demonstrators are expected at Place Bellecour from 3 p.m.


In Toulouse, meet at the Jean-Jaurès metro station at 4 p.m.


In Nice, the meeting is early in the morning, at 10 a.m., Place Garibaldi.


In Nantes, a gathering is planned for 10:30 a.m. in front of the Loire-Atlantique prefecture.


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