EDF obtains authorization to carry out the first nuclear fission

The energy company is still counting on delivery of the first electrons before the end of the summer and therefore no later than September 21, 12 years after the initially planned schedule.

EDF therefore obtained the green light on Monday for the first nuclear reaction at the EPR in Flamanville (Manche).

As regards the connection, or “coupling”, to the electrical network of this new pressurized water reactor, the 4th of this type installed in the world, “there is no change in the schedule”, EDF indicated a few days ago.

The energy company is therefore still counting on delivery of the first electrons before the end of the summer and therefore no later than September 21, 12 years after the initially planned schedule.

57th French reactor

The reactor will then have reached the 25% power level. Full power electricity production is expected by the end of the year.

On May 7, the nuclear power plant operator received the green light from the ASN to commission the 57th French reactor, installed next to two older ones in Flamanville.

EDF then immediately proceeded to load 60,000 nuclear fuel rods into the reactor vessel. The loading stage, key to the gradual launch of electricity production, was completed in mid-May.

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