Mehdi Bensaid, member of the collective management of the Authenticity and Modernity Party (PAM) and Minister of Youth, Culture and Communication, revealed worrying information concerning the file of the ” real estate mafia » to Casablanca. The Affirmé Que ” This mafia targets the historical and heritage buildings of the economic capital ».
During an open debate organized by the Al-Faqih Tétouani Foundation in Salé, Bensaid stressed that the ” real estate mafia » had contributed to the destruction of heritage buildings in Casablanca, the largest city in the country on the residential level. He insisted that “ Tourist sites occupy an important place in the history of the city and the country as a whole ».
The Minister also indicated that a committee made up of various government departments, in coordination with the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication, has been set up to carry out studies. These works aim to identify the areas of the economic capital which have a heritage, as well as those which do not have them.
For many years, Casablanca has suffered from the voracity of the “Real estate mafia”. The National Judicial Police Brigade has already opened surveys on files involving criminal networks that have seized land and goods belonging to the state or individuals, in particular non -registered properties, often easy to s’ appropriate illegally.
Mohamed Omari, regional vice-coordinator of Casablanca-Settat for the national body for the protection of public funds and transparency in Morocco, welcomed the Minister’s statements. “” The Minister’s remarks concerning heritage buildings are very significant, because they reflect the government’s will to protect these buildings with a rich historical and civilizational past against their transformation into modern constructions devoid of identity. These buildings may be sold on the investment market for lucrative purposes “He said.
Omari has also criticized the negligence of successive governments and local authorities in the protection of material heritage in Casablanca. “Allowing the real estate mafia to seize such heritage buildings reveals a lack of seriousness by local and regional authorities in the management of this crucial file,” he added.
-According to Omari, Casablanca is a unique city that reflects both the authenticity of Moroccan architecture and the modernity of contemporary styles. “The city testifies to a cultural interaction between the different civilizations that have succeeded it,” he explained.
To protect these buildings, Omari believes that several actors must be mobilized, starting with the judiciary. He mentioned the current trials against real estate networks involved in fraud and falsification affairs to illegally appropriate the property of others.
Omari recalled that the protection of heritage buildings is based on law 22.80 relating to the preservation of historic monuments, landscapes, engraved inscriptions, works of art and traditions. This legal framework, in coordination with local authorities, plays a central role in the safeguard of heritage. He also underlined the importance of awareness of civil society to preserve these buildings, essential elements of the identity of the city.
In conclusion, Omari said that historical buildings are key elements of urban identity. “” They attract tourists passionate about culture and history, energize the local economy and have invaluable aesthetic value thanks to their unique architecture. Preserving them amounts to protecting collective memory and guaranteeing future generations access to their history and heritage “, He concluded.