The MR is moving towards the radical right, too?
In any case, it looks like it… I’m going to quote Umberto Eco. According to him, there are 14 signs to recognize fascism and the first of them is hatred of culture. I entered politics for culture, with the conviction that culture and continuing education allow individuals to be emancipated. In Liège, we have developed a lot of cultural policy.
You are referring to the recent comments of Georges-Louis Bouchez, president of the MR, who affirmed that we could do without the post of Minister of Culture.
Here… A second indicator of the evolution of the MR: it welcomes far-right activists, including Noa Pozzi, who was head of the list of the Chez Nous party in the federal elections (in the Liège constituency). I don’t draw any further conclusions at the moment. And I noted that the Liège liberals, who participate in the municipal majority in Liège, announced that they would remain vigilant with regard to these new members of the MR. But, on social networks, Noa Pozzi posted a message explaining his arrival at the MR and affirming that he would not deny his values and deep convictions. I think it’s clear. Democrats must be vigilant. It’s an understatement to say that we are in troubled times…
Georges-Louis Bouchez relies on the Jean Gol center to amplify his ideological war against the left
The PS has begun its refoundation. Given the creation of a radical right as you assert, given the competition from the PTB on the left, should the socialists refocus politically? Or, on the contrary, be more radical?
Our approach is sincere because the party is even considering changing its name, which has never been done. I am associated with reflection. We lost the last elections. We must listen very closely to the population and ensure that our future proposals are in tune with the people and are also progressive. As far as I am concerned, I think that we must both defend solidarity and a form of recognition of merit. The idea that the PS was the party of those on welfare has percolated, even if it is false and unfair.
-Could the transformation of the Flemish socialist party into Vooruit inspire the PS?
Willy Demeyer (PS), mayor of Liège: “For the metropolises, the regionalization of the State was an error”
I see that the name change has taken well. Vooruit, it’s clear, it speaks to the Flemings. I am open to changing the name of the PS and if it is to do something of this quality, why not.
gullVooruit, it’s clear, it speaks to the Flemings. I am open to changing the name of the PS. And if it’s to do something of this quality, why not.“
But Vooruit is negotiating with the N-VA or even the MR to form the next federal government. Not very socialist, that…
One reality is not the other. Vooruit is in the majority with the N-VA in Antwerp and the Flemish Region. And the elections were not good for us and that means we are not in power. It’s democracy.