Agnes Gathaiya, Google’s director for East Africa, has announced her resignation after more than four years with the technology company. Based in Nairobi, Kenya, she has played a central role in Google’s growth in the region, overseeing major initiatives and helping to strengthen the company’s impact in several East African countries, including Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and Ethiopia.
Under Gathaiya’s leadership, Google recorded eight-fold business growth in the region. She has also spearheaded key programs such as Google for Education, Google My Business, Hustle Academy, and the Google for Startups Accelerator Africa, initiatives that have broadly supported local businesses and digital development.
In a message to her network, she said:
“My journey at Google has been a profound experience, filled with learning, growth, and meaningful contributions. Working with an inspiring group of Googlers dedicated to the digital transformation of the continent has been an absolute honor. »
She also highlighted the importance of the culture of trust and collaboration that she helped build within her team.
Although she has yet to reveal her future plans, Agnes Gathaiya expressed her gratitude for her time at Google and her excitement about pursuing new opportunities. Prior to joining Google, she held executive positions at Integrated Payment Services Limited, Deloitte Consulting, SAP, Chase Bank and Safaricom, cementing her reputation as a leader in technology and management.
His departure leaves a significant mark on Google’s strategy in East Africa. The company will need to appoint a successor capable of continuing the digital transformation momentum it initiated and maintaining Google’s strategic role in the region.