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Heba Press_Discount
The Moroccan University Solidarity Organization denounced the insult to which the regional director of education in Settat, known for his integrity, uprightness and cleanliness, was exposed. She considered that what happened to her constituted an insult to the education system and its affiliates. , describing it as irresponsible behavior that takes us back to bygone eras that remind us of the days of bullets and the reign of a mother in a group of sectors, including education, according to the solidarity declaration.
The declaration of solidarity, a copy of which was received by Heba Press, condemned these actions which degrade the dignity of the person in charge and through him the educational family and its legal status in society, and considers that insulting the regional director undermines the dignity of the entire family. educational family.
The Moroccan University Solidarity Organization expressed its unconditional solidarity with the regional director of the Ministry of National Education, Primary Education and Sports in Settat, based on its principled positions in the defense of dignity and legal status of the educational family, and expresses its readiness to support him, support him and stand by his side in a manner consistent with the state of rights, law and institutions.
-The organization called for the elimination of the serious moral damage caused to the regional director and the educational body as a whole, demanding the intervention of the Prime Minister and the Minister of National Education, Primary Education and Sports to take the necessary measures so that this behavior does not occur again in the future.
Through its press release, the Moroccan Organization of University Solidarity retraced the chronology of events, starting with the circulation of a video tape circulating on social networks, showing the worker from the province of Settat in an official meeting, reprimanding and insulting the regional director of the Ministry of National Education. of Education, Primary Education and Sports, Settat, concerning the alleged delay in the finalization of stadium contracts using… The style of threats and intimidation, and remarks which, to say the least, have not nothing to do with the educational and moral aspect, respect for etiquette, dialogue, communication, tact and decorum between representatives Authority and citizens, whatever their duties and ranks, and in violation of their authority, of their powers and the principles of administrative management, and in flagrant violation of the new conception of authority and administrative procedures in force, as stipulated in chapter 145 of the Constitution of the Kingdom. The regional governors and regional workers, under the authority of the ministers responsible for coordinating the activities of the decentralized services, “ensure its proper functioning”. It is not the guardian of the national education, primary education and sport sectors, but only has the power of control.
The organization adds, through its press release, that, according to what is circulating in the circles concerned, the workforce of the Settat region bears a large part of the responsibility for the delay in the completion of the neighborhood stadiums, because it did not mark the decisions to make the real estate pool proposed by the local authorities available to the Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Settat and the Director. The Regional Director is not responsible for the delay, neither for eight nor six years, as the speaker indicated, because. this period does not concern the regional director, as described in the statement.