The French Minister for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Affairs, Clara Chappaz, recently announced an international summit dedicated to artificial intelligence which will be held in Paris on February 10 and 11. “This summit will be co-chaired with India,” she said, although she did not specify the exact nature of New Delhi’s involvement. This diplomatic summit is called the “Summit for Action on Artificial Intelligence”.
According to the French media Mediapart, the event underlines the desire of France and Europe to position themselves on the global stage of artificial intelligence (AI). The Élysée aims to create a global platform dedicated to this technology, which would serve as an incubator for AI oriented towards the general interest. Around a hundred countries, as well as more than a thousand actors from the private sector and civil society from all continents, are expected to participate.
Among the notable guests, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, former US President Donald Trump, as well as billionaire Elon Musk, were mentioned. Clara Chappaz also detailed the participation of renowned AI specialists, including Sam Altman, Dario Amodei, and Arthur Mensch. Companies such as OpenAI, Anthropic, MistralAI, as well as leaders of large technology companies like Julie Sweet from Accenture and Mitchell Baker from Mozilla have confirmed their presence, as reported by Mediapart.
The summit will also host Nobel laureates, such as Daron Acemoglu and Demis Hassabis, in connection with their work on AI. France has established clear priorities for the development of AI, aiming to make it a more sustainable, more open tool, and in the service of the general interest. These discussions will also include the establishment of more inclusive global governance.
As part of this objective, the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (PMIA) will meet on February 9 to agree on an action plan for 2025. During an intervention on France Inter, Jean-Noël Barrot, French Foreign Minister, announced that a joint declaration setting out key principles for AI would be signed after the summit. Taking up Barrot’s words, the text will aim to promote an AI that is open and accessible, in addition to being sustainable and governed.
We read from our colleagues at Anadolu that this summit aims to redefine the framework for AI in the world, integrating the general interest into its primary objectives.