“The attack against “Charlie Hebdo” continues to haunt me constantly”

“The attack against “Charlie Hebdo” continues to haunt me constantly”
“The attack against “Charlie Hebdo” continues to haunt me constantly”

The burden of guilt has long weighed on Corinne Rey, alias Coco, after the attack which decimated the editorial staff of Charlie HebdoJanuary 7, 2015. The one who, under the threat of a Kalashnikov, opened the door of the satirical newspaper to the Kouachi brothers recovered by finding refuge in drawing and in the esprit de corps of an editorial team fundamentally in love with freedom. At the same time, she became the designer of Liberationshe publishes a collection of reports devoted to animal abuse, Poor beasts (Les Echappés, 2024).

I wouldn't have gotten here if…

…If I hadn't stuck to drawing, and if people hadn't supported me in this direction. Since I was little, I wanted to do it as a career, but without knowing which one in particular. A professor at the European School of Image, in , played a key role in advising me to apply for an internship at Charlie Hebdo. My father, a salesman, also encouraged me a lot. He played guitar and sax in several groups in Haute-Savoie, and he was sensitive to drawing. Drawing can be seen as an acrobat, not a “real” job. This can thwart vocations, but I have never doubted mine.

For what ?

Because I like to draw. Even outside of work, I draw for the pleasure of drawing, like a hobby. The drawing creates a bubble in which I feel good. At that time, it was also an escape, an escape from many evils, sometimes.

Which ones? A few years ago, you mentioned “alcohol problems at home”…

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