Class closes just two days after school starts, parents and teachers angry

Class closes just two days after school starts, parents and teachers angry

In the Abdelmalek Sayad school in Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine), a class closed, two days after the start of the school year. Teachers and parents are angry.

“No, no to class closures”. In the Abdelmalek Sayad school in Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine), parents and teachers are angry and are mobilizing in front of the establishment with placards and banners. The cause is the closure of a class, only two days after the start of the school year.

“The situation is absurd,” says Anne-Sophie Vaysset, a teacher at the Abdelmalek Sayad school. “We were told, two days after the start of the school year, that there would be a closure, even though the school was not under surveillance. This means that the students would have to reassign their teachers and classes, which is a total lack of respect for the children and for our work upstream that took place this summer. We only heard from our superiors much later,” she continued on BFMTV.

“We are just a line on an Excel spreadsheet”

As a result of this last-minute reorganization, classes are overcrowded. A situation that affects the proper support of all students, some of whom have disabilities. The director of the establishment denounces the methods deemed out of touch by the academic management.

“We are just a line on an Excel spreadsheet,” sighs Joël Smith, director of the Abdelmalek Sayad school. He adds: “They don’t come to see the situation. We had classes of 30, they didn’t say anything, now that we are reaching averages of a little over 22, suddenly they are closing a class, while tomorrow we will be 24, they are closing one more, we will be 27. We don’t agree on that.”

On the part of the students concerned, support for the mobilization is total. “We don’t agree, otherwise the teachers will be overloaded,” explains one student. Another explains: “27 in a class, it’s complicated because you don’t have many AESH (accompanying students with disabilities, Editor’s note) and there are a lot of children in difficulty.”

The families will be received this Tuesday, September 17 by the director of the Academic Inspection to try to reach an agreement.

Théo Thouchais, Sonia Carneiro with Solenne Bertrand


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