THE Moroccan fruit exports are on the rise. According to the EastFruit platform, the volume ofMoroccan exports d’juice oranges during the first nine months of 2024 represents an increase of 3.5 times compared to the figures achieved between January and September 2023, already exceeding by 9% the annual record established in 2019.
The Morocco would thus be on track to deliver the largest volume of oranges for juice to world markets in the last five years, specifies the same source, noting that this notable progression is mainly attributed to the drop in orange production in Brazilthe world’s leading exporter. Furthermore, the global economic crisis has significantly influenced market dynamics.
THE The Netherlandsthe world’s largest importer, remain the main destination for Moroccan exportswith 8,200 tonnes delivered in nine months in 2024. Suisse (1,400 tonnes), the France (600 tonnes), theGermany (500 tonnes) and the Senegal (140 tonnes) complete the top 5 importers. The top three countries show consistent growth in their imports of Moroccan products in recent years. Moreover, if the countries ofEuropean Union represented between 74% and 85% of exports oforanges for juice from Morocco in previous years, this share increased to 96% in 2024.