Brigitte Bardot opens up about her great-grandchildren

Brigitte Bardot opens up about her great-grandchildren
Brigitte Bardot opens up about her great-grandchildren

Par Elise Cantaux

26 minutes ago

Brigitte Bardot at the 20th anniversary of its foundation in Paris. (September 28, 2006.)
Getty Images

Brigitte Bardot recently agreed to talk about her great-grandchildren in an interview with the magazine Paris Match this Friday, June 28.

As the most famous actress in French cinema prepares to celebrate her 90th birthday in September, she has made rare confidences about her family. In an interview with the magazine Paris Match This Friday, June 28, Brigitte Bardot agreed to talk about her family relationships, and in particular about her great-granddaughters. The latter are the granddaughters of Nicolas Charrier, her only son, born from her marriage to the actor Jacques Charrier, from 1959 to 1952. Aged 64, he now lives in Norway with his wife Anne-Line Bjerkan, a 61-year-old Norwegian model. They are the parents of two daughters, Théa (33 years old) and Anna (38 years old), who have in turn had children.

But when the journalist from Paris-Match When Brigitte Bardot pointed out to the actress that one of her granddaughters looked like her at the same age, and asked her if she understood that she was a great-grandmother, she replied: “Yes, I am the great-grandmother of three little Norwegians who don’t speak French and whom I rarely see.”

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A complex mother-son relationship

Also questioned about her relationship with her son, the former actress clearly answers: “I promised Nicolas that I would never talk about him in my interviews.” Brigitte Bardot has always had a complicated relationship with her son. Pregnant, she had to hide in her Parisian apartment so that the paparazzi, who were camped outside her home, would not take pictures of her belly. Throughout this unwanted pregnancy, BB compared her baby to a “tumor” growing in her belly: a term she had used in her autobiography, BB initialspublished in 1966. Injured, Nicolas Charrier brought, and won, a lawsuit against his mother for “violation of intrauterine privacy”.

In September 2021, during an interview for The Parisian , Brigitte Bardot had confided about her son: “I had a child, but we can’t say that this child, poor thing, came at the right time and brought me what I was missing.” Since then, their relationship has calmed down; in 2018, Brigitte Bardot declared in an interview with Was-Matin : “We call each other regularly. Living in Norway, he visits me once a year at La Madrague, alone or accompanied by his family, his wife, my granddaughters (…) I love him in a special way. And so does he. He’s a bit like me.”



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