here is when the forgotten will receive it

here is when the forgotten will receive it
here is when the forgotten will receive it

To support households with low resources in financing various energy-related bills, the government has set up the energy check. This year, many eligible households did not receive it during the April campaign due to an administrative problem. To deal with this unforeseen event, a claim desk will be open on July 4. Once the request has been made, a waiting period is to be expected before receiving this assistance.

Like every year, millions of households benefited from the energy check last spring. With an amount starting at 48 euros and which can reach up to 277 euros, this aid is intended for the payment of various energy-related costs. This ranges from electricity and gas bills to energy renovation work aimed at improving the performance of a home.

For the 2024 energy check, the automatic sending campaign ended on April 15. But due to an administrative malfunction, nearly a million beneficiaries were at risk of not receiving it. The Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, quickly took the floor to announce that a complaints desk would be set up this summer.

To receive the energy check as soon as possible, here is what to do

Promise kept by the government. An online complaints desk will indeed be open on July 4. This was announced by the National Energy Mediator last week. This platform will remain open until December. But to receive your energy check as soon as possible, it is best to apply as soon as the desk is open.

Indeed, the date of receipt of the energy check will depend on the date on which the person concerned makes their request. However, according to the energy mediator, the sending will be done within a maximum of one month. Thus, a person eligible for the energy check and who makes the request on July 4 (opening date of the online complaints desk) should receive their energy check no later than August 4, 2024.

Furthermore, it is useful to remember that for the purposes of this request, each household will have to provide several elements. In detail, the interested party must mention their tax number, a valid identity document, as well as an energy bill in the name of the person making the request.



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