Up to $2.6 billion/year to establish ECOWAS anti-terrorist force

Up to $2.6 billion/year to establish ECOWAS anti-terrorist force
Up to $2.6 billion/year to establish ECOWAS anti-terrorist force

(Ecofin Agency) – Two options for the regional force are being considered. The first provides for the establishment of a brigade of 5,000 men at an estimated cost of 2.6 billion dollars per year, while the second concerns the establishment of a force of 1,500 soldiers which would require funding of 481 million dollars per year.

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) needs $2.6 billion a year to fund the establishment of a regional force dedicated to fighting terrorism, according to one of the options presented at a meeting of defense and finance ministers held June 27, 2024 in Abuja, Nigeria.

Nigerian Defense Minister Mohammed Badaru Abubakar told the meeting that there were two options for a regional force. The first would cost $2.6 billion a year for a 5,000-strong brigade, and the second $481 million a year for a force limited to 1,500 troops.

“These figures underline the seriousness of the task ahead of us. It is therefore imperative that we critically examine the options taking into account the current challenges facing our sub-region and the financial concerns of our various member states”Mr. Abubakar stressed, adding that “each member state would be expected to contribute a share ».

Quoted by Reuters, the Nigerian minister also indicated that the regional force would not be used to put an end to the coups which took place in three member countries which had been suspended from the regional bloc (Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali), but would be limited in the fight against terrorism.

In an official statement published on June 30, ECOWAS however specified that the meeting of the Ministers of Defense and Finance of its member states “ aims to explore financing options to activate a regional force to combat terrorism and restore constitutional order.”

The president of the ECOWAS Commission, Omar Alieu Touray, declared that member countries suspended from the regional organization after military coups would not be excluded from the regional force.

“It is believed that we cannot fight terrorism alone while others do not participate,” he said. And to add: “Although some countries are under suspension, they should be allowed to participate in security-related meetings, which is why we have invited all 15 member states to attend this crucial meeting.”

These contradictory statements highlight the persistent divergences between ECOWAS member countries on the mandate of the regional force and the difficulties that mark the process of its establishment.

Read also:

11/12/2023 – The ECOWAS standby force will now devote itself to the fight against terrorism

09/25/2023 – West Africa: ECOWAS and the UN strengthen their cooperation in the fight against terrorism

08/23/2023 – AU Peace and Security Council suspends Niger and “takes note” of ECOWAS force deployment

05/12/2022 – ECOWAS toughens its stance against Mali and decides to create an anti-terrorist and anti-coup force



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